Why open an account with A to B Taxis in Garstang?
If you want to save the hassle of organising and paying for each individual journey you make with A2B Garstang then we offer personal and business accounts for regular travellers. Regular journeys are made simple by being able to book yourself anytime anywhere.
By opening a personal or business account, you can manage your bookings from our website, allowing you to book, edit or delete journeys as you wish. Payment details, addresses for pickup and airport terminals will be saved allowing you to replicate past journeys without having to re-input new details. Account Holders Booking Form Click Here
If you require a specific car you will need to e-mail the office e.g. 8 seater minibus, wheelchair accessible.
Efficient, responsive taxi service for businesses
Create your corporate private hire account today to access UK taxis nationwide. Benefit from a fast pickup, an easy-to-use booking system and 24/7 UK service. Enter just a few business details and quickly make an airport booking.
We service all major UK airports, seaports and tourist attractions. Our cars are all operated by licensed drivers. Managing airport transfers is a difficult task; our business accounts system streamlines the process for you, taking the stress out of organising domestic and international travel for your business.
Pickup points and destination airports are easily selectable, journeys can be scheduled weekly or monthly. All our drivers are well trained to ensure the first-class service for our business account holders.
Our business account managers will look after you and your account and will always be on hand to assist with bookings and queries.
Contract Taxis
Contract taxis are ideal for regular journeys that run to schedules. By setting up a contract taxi, you won’t need to worry about making repeat bookings - we’ll handle your booking for you and so long as your contract remains in place, we’ll supply your chosen transport as and when you need it.
Simply contact us on [email protected], to organise the contract and we’ll fulfil your journey regularly according to your schedule.
Contract taxis are useful for:
- Regular transfers between airports for specific flights.For example, if you regularly travel on a domestic flight then we can keep a contract taxi in place to transfer you without even needing to make a call. We will keep your flight number on record to track any delays inbound.
- Long distance business trips. If you regularly need transport outside of the Garstang then contract taxis can run to your long-distance business trip schedule. This also includes transfers between train stations.
- Transfers between hotels. If you regularly transfer from airports to local hotels for short stays then contract taxis can run to your stopover schedule.
- School and education.Contract taxis can operate to a school or university schedule.
- If you need regular transport for business events or conferences, then contract taxis are an ideal way to manage regular multiple journeys for multiple employees.
Organisation/Business Account
If you are interested in setting up business account with A2B Garstang, please give us a call, send us an email at [email protected], or fill out the online form. Taxi service accounts are invoiced on a weekly or monthly basis (for long standing customers only).
Personal Account
Any person may open an account. Please send an email to [email protected] and include your contact number and the account manager will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.
To apply for an account fill in the form requesting this in the message area. Click here
If you are already an account holder Click here