A2B Cars
Contact us
Please call or use the contact form on this page or any of our social media to contact us, we look forward to giving you the best service possible.
All our drivers are fully qualified and have been trained up to the highest standards, so provide a fast, reliable service every time. All our vehicles are equipped with a radio for your entertainment.
Here at A2B Cars in Garstang, we provide taxi services across areas of Lancashire and beyond, including travel to train stations, weddings and any other events or functions.
Opening hours
Monday 08.00 - 23.00
Tuesday 08.00 - 23.00
Wednesday 08.00 - 23.59
Thursday 08.00 - 23.59
Friday 08.00 - 02.00
Saturday 08.00 - 02.00
Sunday 09.30 - 23.00